How well do Earth Breeze Eco-Sheets clean?

Earth Breeze Eco Sheets are ultra concentrated to provide a powerful clean. If you want more cleaning power or greater scent, simply double the sheets!

You can depend on Earth Breeze Eco Sheets to tackle tough stains and odors, as they work on 100% of common stains and clean as well as you're used to!

Check out our reviews to see testimonials from real customers.

How much should you use?

You have complete control over how much you use for each load, and we encourage you to test it out and find the right amount for you. Use as little or as much as you want, depending on your wash and your desired results. You can start with the guidelines below, and modify as needed.

For loads with heavily soiled clothing, you might try two sheets. If you previously added additional detergent for these tough loads, you may need to do the same with your Eco Sheets. Feel free to adjust your usage based on the requirements for each load.

If you have an HE machine, it helps to add a presoak or extra rinse in the cycle. You can tear the sheet(s) or leave in one piece. If you use more than one sheet separate them in the drum so they are not stacked.

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