How do I use the Earth Breeze Hope Cloth? How does it work?

The Hope Cloth tackles it all, from streaky windows to a dishwashing cloth for crusty pots. Use it for dusting, scrubbing, or for wiping up major spills. Works on counters, glass, stainless steel, wood, and even your car - anywhere you'd use a paper towel, sponge, or cleaning cloth.

Hope Cloths are easy to use. Wet to soften, then wipe. Rinse and wring out when done. It’s that simple.

One Hope Cloth replaces up to 1,500 paper towels, paying for itself in weeks while making your home more sustainable. They are super absorbent and designed to soak up 20x their weight in liquid, making quick work of even the messiest spills.

Does this work on oil and grease?

If you use your Hope Cloth to wipe oil and grease it will not damage the cloth, but it may hinder the performance of the cloth if not rinsed properly after use. Pop it in the washing machine or dishwasher to revitalize!

We are here to help you succeed with Earth Breeze Hope Cloths and welcome you to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or feedback that you have for us!

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