My Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Eco Sheet didn't fully dissolve.

If you see residue from your Laundry Detergent Eco Sheet after your load of laundry, here are some tips to prevent this from happening.

Make sure you have not overloaded your machine.

Top-loading machine with detergent compartment - Tear your Eco Sheet into smaller pieces and add it to the compartment where you would normally add your liquid detergent. As the water comes into your machine it will dissolve the sheet and add it to your drum the same way it would for liquid.

Top-loading machine without detergent compartment - Tear your Laundry Detergent Eco Sheet into smaller pieces and add to your load after you have added your clothes, making sure it lands on top of your clothes where the water comes into your machine. This will ensure that your Eco Sheet dissolves entirely at the beginning of the load.

Front-loading machine - Tear your Eco Sheet into smaller pieces and add it to the compartment where you would normally add your liquid detergent. As the water comes into your machine it will dissolve the sheet and add it to your drum the same way it would for liquid. If you find there is residue in the compartment where you would normally pour your liquid detergent, you can remove the tray and add your Eco Sheets to that space instead for future loads.

We are here to help you succeed with your Laundry Detergent Eco Sheets and welcome you to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or feedback that you have for us!

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